Netflix Full Stack App

July, 2023
UI / Frontend

Tools & Technologies

React JS, Firebase, JavaScript, Redux, CSS, React-router-dom, Authentication, REST APIs


I needed a tasking project to test my knowledge on some key React concepts and tools like Redux, REST APIs, React-router-dom, Firebase etc.

This is by far the most difficult project I've worked on, it was very complex becaue I had to implement Firebase authenticationa and Firebase db for storing signed up users

I implemented the Netflix homepage, which gave the option for SignUp and SignIn as the case may be. Once signed in, Redux and Firebase works together to then authenticate and update the global state and renders the home page. The home page contains live movie data gotten from The Movie Database API which is then displayed

For new users, when after inputing your email and password, click the signup button/link below the signin one. If not, an error will be thrown. After Signing up once, you can use that same details to always enter this app.

It was deployed using Firebase hosting. It is also mobile responsive and can be used on all devices.

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