ShopIT Web APP

Nov, 2021
Web Application

Tools & Technologies

Next JS, Context API, Sanity, CSS


This project is a full stack fully functional Ecommerce website built with Next JS as the main framework, Context API for managing states, Sanity for content management and vanilla css for the styling.

This was the first project I used Sanity on and it proved quite difficult navigating through Sanity and connecting it to my frontend. Through collaborations with friends and with the help of the docs I was able to navigate through the problems I had to get my desired solution.

This was also the first time I would be using Context API on a project like this and it was quite challenging but I also had help from a partner who helped me through things I didnt understand. Though, the syntax was similar to that of Redux

This Ecommerce website is also fully functional including the adding to and removal from cart, increasing items, Item description and other functionalities. It is also fully mobile responsive.

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