
Apr, 2020
Web & Cloud


The plan for this project was to make a Web App that displays realtime cryptocurrency information which is gotten form an API and also display news about Crypto Currencies as I was into Crypto at the time.

Tools & Technologies

React JS, Axios, API, Ant Design, Millify


This build was an interesting one for me, using techs like Axios and Ant Design I had just learnt. The main framework used was React Js. All the data displayed on this project are realtime data gotten from an API including the crypto prices and even the crypto news.

This build wasnt really difficult, the API was pretty straight forward to destructure and so I was able to get out the data and interpret them on the UI quite straightforwardly.

The serious challenge I faced was implementing the search feature as that was the first time I'll be doing that. I made use of API docs and stackoverflow to navigate this challenge.

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